

June 30, 2015 | 3 Minute Read

The light, coming from the window glass was so bright that Teasa could hardly notice anything that was written below each portrait at the museum. Teasa was not interested to go into that museum, but it was compulsory for all the students to attend the visit to the museum and write a report about the same. Teasa saw a lot of things there including shields, swords, crowns, old newspapers and so many other things. It was a tiresome day full of ink, pieces of paper and instructions from the teacher.

On her way back home, she dropped in on her friend to discuss the homework that they were assigned to complete within that week. Teasa was fond of physics, especially the study of light. People, who were close to her, used to ask their doubts very often related to physics and she was good at discussing things as well. Helen’s excitement about something was pretty palpable. Her room was not so organized. A large overcoat drooped from her bed. Books were thrown here and there. The floor was full of paints and brushes. “What were you doing?”, asked Teasa. “I was making a sketch of my room.”, replied Helen. After the homework discussion, both of them lolled in their chairs. They were tired. Helen’s mother prepared some food including two cups of hot chocolate for them. Helen remembered a discussion that she had with Teasa a week back. Then, she realized that the discussion was incomplete. All of a sudden Helen asked Teasa about the discussion, which was about the physicist Kaluza Klein. Then, Teasa described the proposal that Kaluza Klein had given years back about the nature of light.

Teasa returned home at seven in the evening. She had her dinner and went to bed. She started dreaming. In her dream, she saw her maternal grandfather. He was cooking something in the kitchen for her grandmother. The place in that dream was her grandfather’s house. Her grandfather’s voice seemed peculiar. He came near her, touched her hand and told her to sit down. After sometime, Teasa went into the bedchamber. She saw her grandmother talking to one of her cousins over the telephone. At that very moment, she happened to see that same cousin standing near her and her grandmother was not there. Now Teasa herself was holding the phone and her cousin wanted it back from her. Then, she gave the phone to her cousin, and returned to the kitchen. She saw her grandfather in the dark and noticed that he was sitting alone and doing nothing. It was again her practical thinking about the real life and stimulus which broke her dream and she woke up.

Again as a connoisseur of dreams, she tried hard to relate that dream to her personal experiences and studies. She found a very good connection between what she had experienced before and the dream. This piece of dream could possibly describe the emotional and hidden aspect of her state of mind. And, her studies led her summarize that her brain worked quickly while dreaming. The fact that her grandfather is dead in real life, broke her dream. The set of physical laws in that dream, according to Teasa, were very unusual and hazy. While writing her dream, Teasa concluded, “The connection of images with shadows is unavoidable and irreplaceable. Really! Light vibrates in the fifth dimension.”