
Black White Red Blue

February 12, 2016 | 3 Minute Read

From the original “White Black Red Blue” by Tanuja Pattnaik.

“It’s freezing out here, isn’t it? No, I just don’t get the feeling. What is it then? Feels like I am with my evening suit and having a cup of strong coffee. Oh, where is my coffee? I am now walking with my evening suit. What’s there on my fingers? I can see my face from the water droplet on my fingertip. It’s raining. It’s freezing outside and I get a warm feeling from inside.”, wrote Teasa just after walking up at three in the morning.

The perplexities of that dream led her think about the same from time to time. She wrote everything just after waking up. In the dream, it was raining and she eventually had no umbrella with her. It took her sometime to realize that it was really raining. She got to find a place where she could stand a bit. She was thinking of the head girl award of her school just before it started raining. She was thinking of the same even after she found that it was raining. The rain had no effect on her thinking process. She could find a number of people carrying black umbrellas. Then, she suddenly happened to notice her brother carrying a black umbrella and even after watching him she couldn’t ask for any help. She was so obsessed with the head girl award that she couldn’t think of her family.

Time went on. She was then watching her feet and found mud, which was blood red in color, here and there. She got irritated and thought it was all her mistake of getting out in the evening with no umbrella. She heard a voice calling her name and she could find that was her mother’s voice. She suddenly found her mother near her, and the next moment, her mother was not there. “How could mother vanish without offering an umbrella?”, she asked to herself.

Then she found a book with white cover. The title of the book was “Ghost”. It was not exactly white, but it was like the color of casper, the ghost. When she opened the book, she found her pictures with her friend Lizzie. Then, she went on reading the contents of that book. It was written “Dedicated to Lizzie”. There was mud all over her feet and she couldn’t realize it until she was able to see a light growing brighter near her face.

The light was pretty blue in color and when she found her legs covered with mud, she suddenly screamed and jumped and finally got herself back on the street. She tried to get rid of the mud with the rain water. She suddenly found her friend Lizzie near her. She was dancing in the rain. Lizzie took her hand and danced with her. She suddenly noticed her brother again with the umbrella and she woke up.

As usual, a lot of questions were there in her mind. She finally concluded that her perception towards the scene was changing as time went on like the color of the sky. Black like the midnight sky, red like the evening and morning sky, white like the sky with cloud and blue like the sky with stars.